Menopause Support at Work
6 Week Menopause Support Programme for Employees
Talking about Menopause is welcome in organisations, but it is not enough.
Research studies have revealed that what female employees really value from their employers is educational support and practical tools that help them to deal with their most troublesome menopause symptoms.
Insomnia, fatigue, anxiety and brain fog are common, as well as menstrual issues that can be embarrassing, frustrating and downright inconvenient. This can have a profound impact on how they ‘show up’ at work and affect their productivity.
We provide a 6-week support programme that you can offer virtually or in-person to your employees. This programme places a particular emphasis on nutrition and stress management, two key areas where employees can take back some control.

Weekly Webinars for Menopause Education
These 1 hour sessions can be provided in-person or online depending on the needs of the group.
During each of the 6 weeks, employees will focus on different topics that will help them achieve better hormone balance.
This will enable them to self-manage any difficult symptoms and feel more equipped for the demands of life and work. Attendees can also raise their own questions in a non-judgemental environment.
The session topics include:
How female hormones work
The link between digestive health and hormone balance
Addressing brain fog
Easing anger, anxiety and insomnia
Protecting musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and nervous system health post-menopause.
Lifestyle Guide for a Healthy Menopause
Each employee will receive a colourful and comprehensive guidebook (digital or hard-copy) to complement their attendance in the programme.
This guide can be very handy in the kitchen when preparing meals or in the supermarket when needing to check the best foods to buy.
The guidebook contains:
Healthy recipes
Useful shopping list organised by food category
Menu plans for different mealtimes
Advice on Sleep, Movement, Stress Management
Mindfulness activities
This handy lifestyle guide will continue to provide value for your employees long after the programme has finished.

Weekly Mindfulness Sessions
Mindfulness is a well proven method to reduce anxiety and improve coping ability in stressful times.
Practising mindfulness during menopause can make a huge difference to those going through this life transition.
During the 6 week programme, your employees will be invited to attend a weekly 30 minute guided mindfulness session. This usually takes place at the start of the working day and sets the participants up for a better day ahead.
These sessions provide:
A quick and easy way to improve mood and reduce anxiety
Educational insights about how the mind works
New skills that can be practised beyond the programme
Deeper levels of acceptance relating to body changes
Our sessions are run by an experienced and qualified Mindfulness Skills teacher.